
Time for a Change

A favorite jacket I could fit about 3 years ago.

Closet of clothes, 75% I can't fit

For the last couple of years I have let my eating and exercise habits spiral out of control. I'm not gonna pretend that I have ever been some pencil stick thin type of person. At one point in my life I was 344 pounds. All my life the doctors have said I need to change my eating habits. Asking if I wanted to die or become diagnosed with diabetes or high blood pressure. No. I always thought but it's hard to create new habits and stick to them permanently. As a member of a working class family, life takes many unexpected turns. In high school I was able to drop roughly 80 or 100 pounds through much exercise and portion control. I could finally fit clothes for "normal" people again. I still wanted to drop another 40 or 60 pounds. It would still be about 40 pounds above what the doctors want me to weigh, about 164. I personally think I would look like a crackhead.(No offense to crackheads) Fast forward 4 years and i have gained at least half the weight back! I'm here today to say time for a change. I am an adult. Me and my best friend always said we would not live this way. She has been back on track with O.S.S. (Operation: Short Shorts) for quite some time. Now it's my turn. No more sodas. More fruit. Water. Water. Water. Portion control. More healthy snacks. Packing a lunch for work. My mom got me a bike for my birthday. No more excuses. Yes. I spend about 4 hours on the bus each day going to work and school. I have to make time for this. I have a closet full of clothes waiting for me at "dream/goal/ideal/whatever" weight.

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